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Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:31pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Palma de Mallorca

Joined: 12 Sep 2021



     I began my blog in France at the beginning of Covid, having lost my contract. On the 23rd September 2019 as I arrived at the nursery school to start work at 8.30am I lost all feeling from my shoulders upwards for half of a day. I do not know what happened. I was working 70 hour weeks..I do sport and fortunately after a few hours I recovered all feeling. However, for the next eight months I felt really strange and slept most of the day.

I carried out my theatrical appearances in Paris and Bourron Marlotte for my blog: to bring humour, creation & communication to the roads, to all people and to all tourists: for adults, students (my children's generation) and young children. To bring philosophy, entertainment and humour back again within a country which has had many problems recently.

Peace and stability must remain in France for the sake of her people, her traditions and culture and all her international relations, and for Europe in 2021.


     As a young child my parents took my brothers, sister and I across the channel from England to France in Thames Commodore..the old wooden barge with an incredible history that rocked and swayed in the sea. I dreamed of land for the entire crossing but finally enjoyed the steak frites on the other side, stared at some garlic snails on a frenchman´s plate and thus fell in love with France!

At 19 I visited the Normandy cemeteries and was shocked by the number of people buried there..and the vast number of white crosses, reminding us all of the tragic and enormous loss of life in the last World War.

My uncle, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles Edward Madden, told me stories of the war when I cooked for him as a student. “ It will be up to your generations to keep the peace when we are all gone” he said to me one night over dinner. There was an interesting lecture I listened to at St Andrews which was led by a war veteran. The topic was war and world peace. I asked him why he gave these lectures and he replied “so that future generations remember and so that it does not happen again”.


So have “un petit café” with your croissant and eat a wonderful cream patisserie while you read on for thoughts about peace with philosophy, music & humanity..!!


     On my blog on Pinterest I am “Acqua” because I love the sea and sea sports. Water is the most vital element on our planet: to drink, to wash and of course in the form of ice; for the preservation of our planet.

The blog is for "Humanity, Fraternity and Liberty", promoting everything that I believe is essential and good in life, throughout a time when our world has been faced with a biological crisis.

Music is the major voice of my blog. Music is a universal voice. It is a good voice. The yearly concert for the “restos des coeurs” in France is my favourite. I think Music should be used more as a tool for peace.

The blog is also about linking continents and people differently for the future. After researching present forms of communication I firmly believe that the existing form of digital communication will change dramatically in the next ten years. The leaders of all the internet platforms are of course essential for keeping peace and blocking those who would incite violence.

I have been a “gilet jaune” for 14 years and I am one of those seeking a better quality of life (which has been lost in France over the last ten years or so). In reality the “real” gilet jaune strives for a peaceful solution and conclusion. However there are those wearing yellow vests who would incite violence and infiltrate the movement. Resulting in tanks in the roads and a terrifying flash back to the past..

There is a major problem with the digital world. It takes an hour to find thousands seeking peace. It also takes an hour to find thousands seeking violence.

If the French government go back in time to the years of Churchill and De Gaulle and read how the manifestos and peace treaties and alliances were formed perhaps they couild create a better bridge between themselves and their people. They need to  change their communication policies. Peaceful conclusions can and must be signed and found. The conflict between both sides needs a peace bridge.

We must not see tanks on the roads again...

Let us see music again in every corner of France: as a child I listened to accordions in cobbled alleyways, as a student I went to listen to Russian or Romanian songs in Café Theatre and as a young mother I listened to everything from Edith Piaf's “ vie en rose” to Johnny Hallydays “ Que je t'aime” or Mylène Farmer´s “ Dessine moi un mouton”..


We have all lived Covid........with the vaccines it is phasing out little by little. Every major disease that has arrived on our planet in the last two centuries, battled by extraordinary men like Pasteur, Fleming or Jenner, has resulted in “new life cycles” for the next thirty years. After epidemics people change: where they live, how they live, their work, their lives, their concepts, their ideas...and their philosophy of life. Just as we are all now living major changes in 2021.

Change is taking place in Europe and across every continent: over our seas, our mountains, the deserts and dunes; to the north, the south, the east and the west. The greater economic powers have a duty to preserve peace for the future generations.


Today I am the smallest and “weirdest blogger in the world”  but the values in which I believe in life have been highlighted for me by the people on the pretty island of Mallorca. After losing all my holiday money, phone etc at the hands of a man who had a knife sticking out of his pocket (not in Mallorca..), recovering from this, and then the car breaking down in Valldemossa I was really up shit creek ( english expression!). I found two wonderful  friends in France..(merci a Dieu!) who stood by me on Whatsapp daily, in an emergency situation. (One works with war documentaries... and the other worked with the United Nations). More than 20 people in Palma have helped me find food and lodging, water and my vital medicine. They lent me a computer, bought me a phone, found me soap, gave me lovely wine and a couple of great meals, offered me beautiful shell earrings and above all much important moral support. It was a double "merde". I will never ever forget the incredible kindness of the people in Palma and the wonderful peaceful haven of the beautiful Santa Clara Monastery.

They had a lovely concert one night here and the traditional music of their people floated across their courtyard into my small window to my dog and I, in the ceramics workshop..I have  lived danger twice in my life since I started travelling at 15 and both times music bought me great peace.

The people of Palma showed me the meaning of the word “Humanity”..a word used frequently after an epidemic in every country worldwide…We must preserve peace and stability and strive for the good values of the word “ Humanity” as stated by the United Nations Peacekeeping Treaties.

Let us bring back the music into our world, and into the hearts of people who have the most difficult lives and to the homes of those in countries who have everything to rebuild or construct today.


Merci Beaucoup to all Palma Mallorca from Acqua & Claire for your AmaZing Humanity in an Emergency, your Music for Divergency..

&.. for a future World where we will see new Communication Forms &
Divergency....and where we must all join hearts and hands for Peace with  all its diverse forms of Spirituality.

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