Deviant Dangerous man in Spain - Neighbourhood Watch in Santa Ponsa - Santa Ponsa forum - Majorca forum in the Balearic Islands province of Spain

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Deviant Dangerous man in Spain

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:02am
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Posts: 1

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Location: Santa Ponsa

Joined: 12 Jul 2023

A bloke on TikTok is a hated charity scammer and likes underage boys & girls and really young lad’s. He’s on holiday. He’s about 50 years old but i think he might be older and is with a blonde woman in her 60’s called Tanya. Last night he was hanging around your bars and nightclubs. His motive is to be near lots of young lad’s & girls in their teens and early 20’s out partying. He was filming them on his phone in the street and himself on a live video to TikTok. He was using Cocaine on the video and kept sniffing and wiping his nose. He is called Kevin Wright from London. He is vile & disgusting. I feel physically sick seeing him around all those young people while using drugs. He begs on TikTok for money and then goes and does stuff like that. He did the same in Zante and he does it here in London all the time. He’s a wrongen and troublemaker. Don’t trust him as far as you can throw him. He needs to be kept away from anyone under 21 and kids. People don’t know who he is in Spain so he is getaway with it. It’s not right. He calls himself Mr UK TikTok Official. Says he is famous but he isn’t. Every video on TikTok shows how horrible and disturbed he is. 

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