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Looking for a job: House sitting / Pre let preparation / House help/

Posted: Tue Jul 6, 2021 1:37am
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Posts: 1

Location: Cala d'Or

Joined: 6 Jul 2021

Looking for a private room with a bed & shower - In return anything you need doing to make your lives easier. 

I'm recently made redundant - having spent 15 years working all hours etc so just looking for a "working break" to do something completely different. Ideally you have a property that requires some maintenance, the jobs you have never got around to or maybe you are an established Villa manager and need a break yourself and I can deputise for you literally anything considered 

I have worked in the events and hospitality industry previously so know what exactly is required to ensure your guests have the best experience at your property and can anticipate well what is required and how to react in order to go above and beyond in making their time special. 

I am double Jabbed and have a wife and child of 10 - and have worked at director level.   I will need some time for myself - to relax - update my CV and start job hunting - read - go to the beach so this is a casual arrangement. can be available as of next week 13th July onwards.  Anything considered - drop me an email to discuss 

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